Hola Everybody,
Hot, humid and smoky in the Sierras. Climate change is here, and whether we agree on the cause or disagree, I can no longer trust the USDA zone classification. Plants that should thrive here, are struggling, and plants I wouldn’t usually recommend are doing astonishingly well. I must say that it does concern me and sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed. But there are things we can do, and it still looks great as the picture shows!
- No sod, It requires lots of water, fertilizer and the constant mowing. (One push lawn mower equals the same emissions as 11 cars per hour and ride-on mower 34 cars per hour). Google it if you don’t believe me.
- Install plants that are hardy and grown in a similar climate.
- Put mulch around the plants to keep the moisture in. (Less water).
- After a period, reduce the water amount and just water when there is a dry spell and the plants need a boost.
- I don’t use fertilizer on plants, They will do just fine on their own. Fertilizer should be used only if there is an issue. (You wouldn’t give your kid antibiotics as a preventive, would you?).
- Artificial Turf is great! Looks good too! (Not astro-turf, thats gone the way of the 8 track player).
- Be aware, putting a fire pit under a Pine tree, might be bad. (I’m just saying).
If we all just do a little bit we can make a big change for the better while still having beautiful gardens. I don’t have kids, but I do have nieces and nephews and I would like them to have a future where they can have the world as I have had it: clean air, quiet woods, babbling brooks (I can make you one!) and where winter happens in the winter and summer happens, well you know!